Pacific Schoool For Innovation & Inquiry
This was an exciting class. I did not even know this school existed before we had this discussion. I thought that it was fascinating how other types of schools out there that I do not even know about. It reminded me a lot of our philosophy class last semester. I did a project on the Montessori school, which is also a different type of school. I think that it is important to have different types of schools because all children are different and learn differently.
We also learned a lot about inquiry-based learning last semester. We had to make a few different inquiries, and I can see how important it is to learning, especially for children. Like the Montessori school, it gives children the responsibility for their own learning and chooses how they want to learn. I noticed that the Pacific School for Innovation and Inquiry that a lot of the work is done with technology. As a student, I never really dealt with much technology growing up. I think that it is really interesting to see how learning is developing in this decade for children.
I thought that this Ted Talk was extremely intriguing and definitely gave me a different insight on learning. “Learning is not something that comes to us from the inside, but it’s rather something already inside us, a spark that needs to be nurtured and sparked into a flame.” This quote really stuck with me watching this video and learning about this school. Learning truly is something that we all are intrinsically motivated to do but needs to be nurtured by giving students different approaches and ways to satisfy different needs. External sources are important, but getting information from somewhere and actually knowing about it is very different, as Jeff Hopkins said. This class gave me a different view on learning and education in which I will use in my future career.