During the second week of technology and innovation, I am starting to really see the importance of technology in the classroom. There are many different sources and sites that teachers may have to use to communicate with their colleagues and the families of their students. Being able to use these sites appropriately and professionally has definitely become apparent to my teaching career. I think this can be done by keeping the parents connected to the students learning. I noticed this being done in my Wednesday visits. My mentor teacher used a protected website and posted pictures and videos of her student’s accomplishments and work for the parents to be able to see and connect with at home, which I believe is extremely important. This clearly was not something that was done when I was going to school and shows how much technology in schools has developed.
We also learnt about the freedom of information act and the importance of copyright. Before this course, I was unaware of how important it is to attain your resources from a credible source. I enjoy collaborating with other educators to enhance learning and to do this I want to ensure that I am doing this in a safe manner that follows copyright protocols. I am thankful to be enrolled in this course to protect myself online as well as my future students and am eager to learn more regarding this topic.