This page shows important artifacts that I have connected to over the year for my future teaching career:
There are books we have used over the year that have connected with me because I know I will use them in my future career for lesson planning and activity ideas.
English: Mentor Texts, by Dorfman & Capelli
This textbook has so many different lesson ideas and activities that can be used in future teaching.
Art: StARTing With, by Emme, Grauer, & Irwin
This textbook provides concrete lesson plans and different activities and resources that can be used when I am a teacher.
Drama: Into the Story 2, by Miller, & Saxton
This textbook is amazing. So many fun, engaging activities that can be included in any subject, not only drama.
Useful Websites:
The UDL guidelines that we use in our lesson plans.
Youtube Videos:
I thought that this Ted Talk was extremely intriguing and definitely gave me a different insight on learning. “Learning is not something that comes to us from the inside, but it’s rather something already inside us, a spark that needs to be nurtured and sparked into a flame.” This quote really stuck with me watching this video and learning about this school. Learning truly is something that we all are intrinsically motivated to do but needs to be nurtured by giving students different approaches and ways to satisfy different needs. External sources are important, but getting information from somewhere and actually knowing about it is very different, as Jeff Hopkins said.
Learning and education is a basic human right. No one should feel excluded in learning, only included. I hope that when I become a teacher I can promote a number of opportunities for students that may have different learning strategies. This is always in the back of my mind when creating lesson plans for any of my classes this semester, and after watching this video always will be.