This week is a big week for the Ukulele. I had my one lesson with a professional teacher, and I did not feel the need to get another.

I can now go from A, to G, to C quite fluently and smoothly. I have the first verse of riptide down with the strumming pattern. This song is difficult as it is the same 3 notes, but it has different strumming patterns throughout. I think that this is the hardest part for me and something I have been working on everyday. I made a cheat-cheat for myself as I am playing what to look at.

I have the notes, the strumming patterns with a U and  D meaning up or down. In Riptide, you go through this pattern 4 times, then 6, etc. So, I have this on a piece of paper in front of me.

I also have found that my finger is really hurting if I play more than 10 minutes a day, which is hard because I still have a long ways to go. I also have arthritis in my hand, which makes the strumming that much more difficult as I am finding my hand is starting to hurt quite fast as I am trying to practice.

This week is also mid-term week for my music growth. I have to take a video of me playing my song. This will be difficult as I do not think I am ready, and I may have set my goal a bit too high with this song as it is much longer than most we had to choose from on